The Victorian Association for Newsagents.

Date: 18/03/2020

Important Notice to Distributors re Coronavirus (COVID-19)

To all News Corp Australia Distributors,

News Corp Australia (NCA) have reviewed and updated our plans and processes to ensure the continuity of our operations in the current environment. This will likely continue to evolve as advice changes, and we will update you as appropriate, however the safety and well-being of our staff, contractors and distributors continues to be our primary consideration during this process.

There are a number of items covered in this note as summarised below.  Please take the time to review the content attached and where necessary action changes in your business.

  1. Protocols for deliveries to Nursing Homes & Retirement Villages
  2. Considerations and recommendations for your own operations
  3. What to do in the event that your business is unable to maintain delivery due to impacts on staff
  4. Interim measures relating to the collection of returns from some sub agents
  5. Supply adjustment process
  6. Protocols if attending a News Corp Print site

This information may be of further value for you to review your current plans and processes in your operations in addition to any measures you may have already implemented in your own businesses and depots.  I ask that you read all of the following information and share the update with your people.

If you have any questions in relation to the attached please contact your local Area Logistics Manager, State Logistics Manager or email email

Kind Regards,


Scott Rollings,

General Manager National Logistics

Key Contacts:


QLD Greg Thirkill 0408 529 179
NSW & ACT Andrew Meredith 0418 570 175
VIC & TAS Sean Wilson 0407 514 004
SA, NT, WA Gavin Filsell 0402 343 824
National Robert Rigby 0412 944 160
News Customer Service 1800 639 700


A)  Protocols for deliveries to Nursing Homes, Retirement Communities and other higher risk locations
 This is critically important in nursing homes, as the elderly are particularly vulnerable.  As a supplier, if you are making deliveries to a nursing home or retirement village, we ask that you follow all directives from the relevant managment at each facility.   This is to reduce the risk of infection for those whom are particularly vulnerable to the effect of the virus.

B) Considerations and recommendations for your own operations

Implement protocols for you and your staff in relation to:

    1. Self isolation if overseas travel in past 14 days
    2. Self isolation if have been in direct close contact with a diagnosed case of CoVID 19
    3. Cleaning and Hygiene disciplines for personnel, vehicles and other equipment

Further to the above, in addition to any measures you may put in place, we ask you to also consider the following where it may be applicable:

    1. Your delivery staff should remain in their vehicles and only exit when loading or unloading products.
    2. In the case of shared facilities, we recommend that loading and unloading should be taken in turns, to limit contact. Larger depot operations should consider scheduled set pick up times to limit the exposure risk.
    3. Delivery personnel should not gather in groups at all times.
    4. Delivery personnel required to leave the vehicle to collect documentation or products, and/or use the facilities, should do so promptly and minimise contact with others.

 In addition to the preceding, general hygiene measures are strongly recommended such as:

    1. Staff should keep their distance from people who are obviously sick,
    2. Try not to touch their faces often,
    3. Should wash their hands frequently (20 seconds of lather time is the recommendation)
    4. And carry hand sanitiser in their vehicles for times where water and soap are not available.

 C) What to do in the event you are unable to maintain deliveries

We acknowledge that as the situation evolves there may be circumstances where you are unable to complete your normal deliveries (e.g. a number of drivers being unable to attend work).

We would ask that as soon as you are made aware or potential exists that you may not be able to complete deliveries that you contact your local News Area Logistics Manager or State Lead.

We will work with you and in some circumstances, we may be able to [agree to flexibility on delivery], stand up alternate delivery options to both direct and indirect retailers and where possible subscribers as interim measures.  This could include support from surrounding agents, primary freight or other drivers if they can be sourced.

It is also important that as part of that plan that we inform our Customer Contact Centre that may allow us to send communications to impacted subscribers and retailers and respond to any late or non-delivery issues if the occur.

D) Interim Measures for Returns Collection

We would ask that you work with each of your subagents and in some instances, it may be appropriate to move to email or other forms of collecting returns volume data for entering into iServices or other systems.  There may be some accounts where this maybe not be possible, and we ask the you continue collecting returns and processing (e.g. some Service Stations)

If you do choose to suspend physical returns collection with some subagents there will need to be good communication with those retailers and agreement for them to dispose of the returns themselves and recycle where possible.

News will monitor returns outcomes by account for anomalies and base our allocations off the results of actual sales recorded.

For Distributors who return copies directly to a News print site you will be required to continue to do so unless agreed with your local State Logistics Manager.

E) Supply Adjustment Process

If you have changes to supply due to outlets not being open or suggestions for changes as volumes, please provide your feedback and requests via, 1800 639 700, or your Area Logistics Manager.

F) Protocols for staff attending any News Corp Australia Print Site or Office

The health of our staff and their families, and your staff/sub-contractors is of the utmost importance to us and so in line with

Federal and State health authorities, we are focusing on mitigating the risks in our workplace.

To minimise risk and ensure continuity of business operations, we are immediately implementing the following.

Under the following circumstances listed below you, delivery staff, subcontractors or other staff:

    1. should not attend an News Corp Australia print site,
    2. members of your staff or sub-contractors should also not have contact with other staff members/sub-contractors and/or the News delivery drivers, and/or the personnel of other distributors and
    3. you should notify your local News logistics team and agree when appropriate to return
  1. If a person feels unwell or has flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath
    Anyone suspected of being unwell will not be allowed entry to our sites until cleared
  2. Any person who has a suspected case of COVID 19 (including any person that has been tested and is awaiting results)
  3. Any person who has been tested and confirmed case of COVID 19
    Clearance from a GP will need to be provided before they can attend a News site.
  4. Any person who have been directly exposed to someone with a known or suspected case of COVID 19
  5. Any person who is required to self-isolate including any person that has returned from overseas in past 14 days


These measures are constantly being evaluated and may need to change and will be in place until further notice.


Additional Information:

Further details and handy videos can be found on the World Health Organisation website:

Please see websites for each state health authority below:






