The Victorian Association for Newsagents.

Distributors Delivering an essential service

12th August 2020

Dear Members,

A special mention to all distributors in Victoria during stage 4 restrictions.

It is recognised by both Newscorp and Nine that we have the very best distributors here in Victoria.

Staggered shifts, mandatory face coverings, social distancing and a whole lot of chaos that surrounds Victoria during this pandemic has not stopped us delivering.

Each and every week we are delivering over 350,000 newspapers to Victorians during this crisis (source Newscorp) in what can only be described as an amazing effort of resilience and discipline.

So, to be clear here that is 1.5million newspapers per month.

Whether you distribute 200 papers per morning or 10,000 you are providing an essential service and media to Victorians.

From the VANA staff and directors -thank you and please keep up the great work it’s truly appreciated.


Brendan Tohill