Latest COVID-19 advice for businesses
Dear Members,
The Victorian Government has announced a further easing of COVIDSafe settings.
From 11.59 pm Friday 9 April, Victoria will move to allow 100 percent of seated indoor and outdoor capacity for entertainment, cultural and sporting venues with a maximum of 1,000 patrons per space.
Seated indoor and outdoor entertainment, cultural and sporting venues seeking the attendance of more than 1,000 people per space must apply for consideration under the Public Events Framework. Events designated as Tier 1 or 2 will also remain at 75 percent.
In other changes, no density quotient will be applied in office-based workplaces except in publicly accessible areas such as lobbies. Previously, a density limit of one person per two square metres applied to shared spaces in the absence of a cap on the number of office workers.
This change means more Victorians can keep coming back to the office, which provides important flow-on patronage to cafes and shops located in our business precincts.
Under the revised settings, no density quotients will apply for courts and tribunal facilities, or the Victorian Parliament.
Moving towards future changes to public health conditions on events will depend on the prevailing epidemiological conditions and compliance with record-keeping and contact tracing obligations.
For more detail on these changes, please see the Minister for Health’s statement.
Good record keeping continues to be an important tool for helping Victoria stay safe and stay open, register for the free Victorian Government QR Code Service.
Businesses, venues, and facilities in some sectors must use the Victorian Government QR Code Service or a digital system that is API compatible.
These sectors include hospitality, gyms, cinemas, and hair and beauty services. The full list is available at
All businesses must have an active, up-to-date COVIDSafe Plan. Download and display the signage available to remind people of the need to check-in and other safety measures.
Remember, if you or your workers have even mild COVID-19 symptoms, please get tested. Every test helps keep Victorians safe.
Visit for more information or call Business Victoria on 13 22 15. If you need an interpreter, please call the COVID-19 hotline 1800 675 398 and press 0.
Kind regards,
Brendan Tohill | Chief Executive Officer
VANA – Victorian Authorised Newsagents Association
NLNA – National Lotteries Newsagents Association