The Victorian Association for Newsagents.


Dear Members,

Just a reiteration of the new settings.

QR Codes – New requirements
QR code record-keeping requirements will now be mandatory in retail settings, like supermarkets and newsagencies, and retail.

Retailers must use the Service Victoria QR Code Service.

The 15-minute threshold will also be removed so anyone entering a shop or a cafe will need to check-in, regardless of how long they visit the premises.

Support for businesses
Building on the $250.7 million Circuit Breaker Business Support Package announced Sunday 30 May, a new allocation of up to $209.3 million will flow to small and medium-sized businesses, including sole traders, increasing the total support package to $460 million.

The Business Costs Assistance Program grants for eligible businesses located in metropolitan Melbourne will be doubled from $2500 to $5000.

  • Regional businesses unable to open due to the ongoing restrictions, such as nightclubs and amusement parks, will also be eligible for the extended payment.
  • Metropolitan businesses that will have restrictions eased from Friday will not be eligible for the extended payment.

Applications for the Business Costs Assistance Program are scheduled to open on Thursday 3 June and will remain open until 11.59 pm on Thursday 24 June 2021.

The Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund grants for businesses in metropolitan Melbourne with eligible liquor licences and food certificates will be doubled from $3500 to $7000.

Eligible liquor licensees under the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund payment will be emailed directly by Business Victoria tomorrow, Thursday 3 June 2021, with a link to their grant application form.

For more information on how to apply, visit Business Victoria or call the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15.

Other important information for businesses
It’s critical that businesses with on-site operations continue to comply with cleaningsignagerecord keeping, and other COVIDSafe requirements.

Businesses must have an active, up-to-date COVIDSafe Plan, and those that fail to do the right thing face significant fines.

All Victorians over the age of 40 are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. For more information on how to book your vaccine appointment, visit the Coronavirus website.

Stay up to date with the latest exposure sites. Anyone with symptoms should get tested immediately. The list of testing sites includes wait times.

Victorian workers can apply for a $450 COVID-19 Test Isolation Payment that provides financial support while they self-isolate to wait for the results of a COVID-19 test.

For more information, visit or call the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15.

Yours sincerely,

Brendan Tohill | Chief Executive Officer
VANA – Victorian Authorised Newsagents Association
NLNA – National Lotteries Newsagents Association