18th March 2020
Dear Members,
Currently, VANA is working with all industry bodies to ensure our members are informed as to health & safety, remuneration and government assistance.
A MEMBER yesterday asked me “What happens if I get Corona Virus or a staff member tests positive?
Action: You must shut the store and self-isolate for 14 days.”
We have already discussed this with Tabcorp ensuring all retailers are considered during COVID-19 and correspondence in terms of an action plan will be released shortly.
Leasing and landlords, we are speaking to each small business minister in each state. This is an extraordinary event and we expect extraordinary support for small business from the Australian Government- State and Federal.
For us now, Government, Tabcorp and the Publishers are focussed on ensuring you, the newsagent, is being looked after and constantly informed in a changing landscape. Whether it be in retail or distribution or both. Everyone is affected.
Things are changing by the day and you can stay informed by visiting both www.vana.com.au and www.nlna.com.au and our dedicated link to the COVID-19 https://www.nlna.com.au/covid-19/
Updates are occurring at 10am, 1pm & 4pm or as the need arises on https://www.nlna.com.au/covid-19/