VANA MEMBER PROFILE – Ballarat Newspaper Delivery

Ballarat Newspaper Delivery
24 Ring Road, Alfredton 3350
Jeff & Jenny Wood and Jenny & Brian Battye – Nextra Bridge Mall
Bruce & Joanne Thomson – Williams Newsagency
Ron Delaland – Buninyong Newsagency
Macka & Kate McDonald – Formerly Wendouree News & Lotto
100 plus years combined experience!

Ballarat Newspaper Delivery was formed in 2012 when the four businesses each separated the retail and distribution parts of their business, which enabled them to combine their 4 territories (there were 7 distribution territories in Ballarat). By combining territories they are able to work from one warehouse, gain efficiencies from combining neighbouring runs and dedicate all administration from the warehouse office. In 2019 they purchased a fifth territory from a retiring agent and now Ballarat Newspaper Delivery services approximately 75% of Ballarat, with a population of just over 100,000, which includes Greater Ballarat, Miners Rest, Wendouree, Buninyong, Invermay & Cardigan Village. The retail newsagencies all have in-store pay points which continues to drive foot traffic in store.

Ballarat Newspaper Delivery continues to service their customers by completing all deliveries by 6:30am, limiting missed deliveries and offering re-deliveries to anyone who notifies them by 9:00am. Accounts can be posted or emailed to customers, or alternatively customers can go to one of the pay points offered by Ballarat Newspaper Delivery and pay at their convenience. Any stops, starts or changes to orders are implemented as soon as they are notified.
Ballarat Newspaper Delivery regularly does letterbox drops, targeting outlying growth areas or new sub-divisions. At the time of COVID-19 they had planned to do a Home Delivery Promotion drive, but found COVID-19 did it for them! They had an unprecedented number of phone calls with the community wanting the newspaper delivered to their door. To leverage this opportunity, Ballarat Newspaper Delivery took out a front page strip advertisement in their local Ballarat Courier, and for the next 3 weeks they started 100 plus new customers each week.